

Rilassati, raccogliti, allontana da te ogni altro pensiero. Lascia che il mondo che ti circonda sfumi nell’indistinto


Breakfast & Restaurant

A tavola ci si incontra, si chiacchera, ci si rilassa, si ride… talvolta ci si punzecchia, ma il buon cibo fa da paciere. È capace di restituire il buonumore persino al termine di una giornata faticosa


We care about you

In qualunque parte del mondo tu sia, è il cuore che sa quando si sente a casa


We care about our planet

Grand Hotel Guinigi si impegna concretamente per la tutela dell’ambiente. Lo fa ogni giorno migliorando l’efficienza energetica, monitorando le proprie
performance ambientali in ogni aspetto della sua attività e sensibilizzando il proprio staff ai temi della sostenibilità.


Art in Hotel

The Grand Hotel

“Beauty is the name of something that does not exist, that I give to things in exchange for the pleasure they give me”


Relax, recollect, take all other thoughts away from you.
Let the world around you fade into indistinct,

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Breakfast & Restaurant
At the table we meet, chat, relax, laugh …
sometimes we tease,but good food acts as a peacemaker.
It is capable of restoring good humor even at the end of a tiring day

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We care about you
Wherever you are in the world, the heart knows when it feels at home

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We care about our planet

Grand Hotel Guinigi is concretely committed to protecting the environment. It does this every day by improving energy efficiency, monitoring its environmental performance in every aspect of its business and raising the awareness of its staff on sustainability issues.

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Art in Hotel
Art in Hotel

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